Graduation for Realsies
I graduated a year early, in 2023, so it didn' really hit emotionally for me. Now in May 2024, I’m panicking about never seeing my friends again.
Having written this months after, and with the gift of hindsight, I can see that I will form new friendships, and also boring adulting consumes much of my time and hence cheap socializing is less rewarding / accessible. I’ve managed with less frequent / higher quality meetups.
Friends Graduating
- Kelley Li
- Jason
- Madeline
- Stacy
- Avery
- Kammy
- Michelle
- Anthony
- Stephanie
- Jessica
- Varun Ramani
- Tarun Mura
- Rishi Papani
- Vibhu
- William Liao
- Arden Track
- Karthik Sankar
- Arjun Vedantham (more pl then Degen)
The Boys ™️
- Aman
- Suhwan Hong
- (Not David went to med school early)
- Turner
- Sonja Hak
- (dom dropped out)
- Maria Nik
- Ritik Chopra
- Kaushik Vejju (a year early)
- Kevin Tang
- Ayush Desai
Cambridge Lounge
- Rae (in summer)
- Karthik Sellakumaran Latha
- Daphne Ranti
- Daniel
- Oliver adkins
- Noah
- Venkat Kuppoor
- Ryan punith
- Danjing Chen
- Lily Larson
- Aakash Dutt
Blood on the Clock Tower
- Owen
- Joao
- Nikola
- Etc ….
Matthew Schneider (my ex. sucks, but true)
Secular Student Society
- Chris
- Gurang
- Kevin
- Radiah Islam (thought she was super cool over discord)
- Jovi/Gaurav Mahajan (someone from my hometown, not too close)